Tuesday 3 April 2018

This work is hard.

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”
Beverly Sills

There is nothing like it. You sleep like a baby; five minutes and you are awake crying...There is runway to think about. The stupid code is not working, one of your users is asking for a feature that is not in your product roadmap.
Remember he or she is not paying yet, but you still have to listen despite him or her being the only one requesting for that feature; he or she is the user after all. Your only users are being bitchy and want to give up on you. The ones you are chasing are not showing any signs of converting. All these things are making you throw up and shit on yourself; back to that baby analogy... You have a board meeting and you don’t know what to tell your fucking investor what your wins of the quarter are. My abilities to live by glaring contradictions have been tested to the limit. I believe one day they will make perfect sense at least from a purely rational perspective. Let me stop bitching and go back to work. sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you get for it, but what you become of it…. the dots will surely connect. They always have.

Back to building, shipping and selling stuff.