Tuesday 18 July 2017

Outrage is cheap

“Anger gets you into trouble, ego keeps you in trouble”
- Amit Kalantri

Outrage. A powerful feeling of resentment or anger aroused by something perceived as injury, injustice or insult  
Resentment usually is brought about by confusion. Confusion of the heart on something your mind
knows is a lie. You will see it in the internet mostly in the comments section. It’s like people are vigilant and on the lookout for something to be offended by. As soon as they see it they unleash .  
Outrage is like a lot of other things that feel good but devour us from the inside out over time. Except it's even more insidious than most vices because we don't even consciously acknowledge it's a pleasure. We prefer to think of it as a disagreeable but fundamentally healthy reaction to negative stimuli, like pain or nausea. Rather than admit that it's a shameful kick, we eagerly indulge again and again, like compulsive masturbation. Outrage feeds ego by taking a moral high ground. 
I believe it is important to avoid terrible arguments or expression of outrage and all together stay away from this emotionally damaging behavior. It is easy to get addicted to feeling offended all the time because it gives a feeling of self-righteous and being morally superior feels good.