Thursday 25 May 2017

Why Write?

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” 
― Maya AngelouI Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

I started writing a few years a go just scribbling my mind out. After a few blogs, to be specific two and three drafts that never saw the light of the day. I have decided to start hanging out here again.
One question you are probably asking yourself is, why I stopped and why am back. My fear of writing is immense. Writing involves opening up my personal space to people, which comes with a lot of vulnerability and as a person with low social energy this is a very daunting task for me.
When I started I made a few mistakes like procrastinating on my writing. I found all sort of excuse to give myself."only one more day and this draft will be ready to publish" one more day turned to months then years. Am not about to fall for that trap again. Actually, this blog is being typed on my mobile phone. 
The other mistake I did was I din't have a strong "why" I was doing it. I would fear that people would find out that am not articulate enough, I feared that people would catch my typos. Fuck all that! I'm writing this for myself. I am hell bent on overcoming most of my fears. I'm treating this like programming; write your code, run it, debug then deploying as fast as possible. A personal challenge is to post here daily. Be it for therapy, a programming tutorial, some startup thoughts, something am working on or just a random thought. Why write? In the words of Anais Ni "we write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect."