Wednesday 5 February 2014

The state we are in.

I have always been optimistic about the future, always looking forward to a better quality of life for us and the world population at large. The principal faith in the future is the continued awesomeness advancement of everything; technology, agriculture, energy and the service sector of the economy. As this advancement continues to happen we have seen companies emerge and grow. The continued growth has come with a fair share of its own problems as this has seen big business everywhere in the world merge their operations and downsize their labour force. Big business have shut down or gone into the reverse. This coupled with the rapid growth of the population has led to unemployment, which is the state we are in. school leavers can’t find work in the formal sector of the economy. A graduate getting a job is definitely harder than pulling a star out of the sky. We all know that it is much easier to fire someone when a company is experiencing financial difficulties and in that process one is deemed as unproductive and non- vital wage earner. This has also seen companies adopt the strategy of hiring young employees on temporary contracts that do not come with the same privileges, and job security as permanently employed (if there is anything like that).
 People are working twice as hard to get by let alone get ahead. A recent report by the world economic forum has warned against the consequences that the world would face if nothing is done to address the chronic levels of unemployment, these consequences include; increase in crime rate, stagnation of economies and deterioration of the social fabric, if the policy makers do not address specifically youth unemployment. This can clearly be shown by the increment of social unrest all over the world.
             Are we in apposition to reshape tomorrow? Only you can tell but let us not be quick to put too much belief on policy makers to heel the crises because they are either good-for-nothing or powerless. The equipping of young people with skills and training needed to cope with the evolving labour markets demand would be a great step but not a sufficient one to solve this crisis. As the young generation we needs to begin our careers with hope so as to develop the fundamental skills that one gets at the beginning of a career and protect ourselves against the populist politics of this country. The sole way to escape the present unemployment crises would be to instigate an entrepreneurial revolution. After all who said that there is a certain blue print for success, the way you succeeded is not the very same way every other person should
As we end this state through entrepreneurship remember that this is a game of high stakes and only those that have the cops and are weirdly ambitious or in the words of Steve jobs; ‘those that are fearless and know that they have nothing to fall back to, to a point that you even can't afford to fear anything not even death, and it is either heads I win tails you lose, those are the ones that will get what they have worked  for because this Kenya and nobody sorts you ni wewe ujisort ukishindwa ukae.

Time to go and give the world a beat down, for this is a future filled with hope.Till then...

Hustle on. for hustle never dies it only changes form.